Summit of Success Chapter

Short Hills / Chatham / New Providence / Berkeley Heights NJ Area


Handy Man


Keith Mannino

Keith Mannino - HandyMannino | HANDY MAN
Westfield, NJ 
There's so much to do in all of our homes…and so little time! That's why it's helpful to have a go-to in your contacts database to call to tackle those projects for you. At HANDYMANNino, we handle projects large and small. Think about last minute decorating for your holiday party, repainting the guest room for your sister who's flying in from the west coast, a yard clean-up just in time for the first-of-the-season barbecue, or the wall spackling needed to repair the dents and holes caused by Thing 1 and Thing 2. Tasks like that and plenty more. I'll take care of your home better than you do!

No Job Too Small… Give Me A Call